Great "Photo-Less" Scrapbook Pages


Your photos probably get star treatment on your scrapbook pages. Same here. Usually.

But sometimes memories happen while my camera is resting quietly at home and my cell phone is snoozing in my purse. Why? They’re unwelcome intruders at some concerts and at the theatre.

So what’s a scrapbooker to do? 

One option is to build a scrapbook layout with no photos.

What, No Photos?

Scrapbooking is all about creativity; so you can make meaningful pages even without photos.

Here’s an example of one page from a two-page scrapbook layout I created quite a few years ago.

My husband and I went to a Patti LaBelle concert at Constitution Hall in Washington, DC, and photography was off-limits. So I used the large concert program with Ms. LaBelle’s photo as the main feature on page one of my scrapbook layout.

Sample Page

Even though this image of page two of the layout doesn’t do it justice, I want to show you one way to make up for a lack of photos. Here, I made a couple of homemade “records” to accent the theme of the spread and to fill up a lot of empty space.

If you’re not old enough to recognize “those black things,” just image-making YOUR layout with two of your artist’s CD covers.😉

But we’re Baby Boomers, so records bring back memories.

Simple, right?

What? That’s Not For You?

If the no-photo page idea doesn’t work for you, here’s another idea. Take a cell phone selfie or use a tripod to snap a photo of yourself before or after your event. Even though you won’t have a photo of the live event, you can add a personal touch to your pages.

The Patti LaBelle concert took place years before most concertgoers carried cell phones with built-in cameras. So you probably won’t have this dilemma very often.

But sometimes batteries die and phones go missing!

Recruit Help

If you need another option, though, try this: If the venue bans photography, ask a nearby theatergoer or concert fan to snap a few quick photos of you before you enter the building!

Even better, try to stand in front of a poster or a sign showing the name of the venue or the event.

Options, Options, Options

If you’re like me, you enjoy all the tools and techniques we can use to capture our favorite memories. Options are GOOD, And I’ll bet you’ve come up with a few clever no-photo ideas of your own. So, now it’s your turn. Use the Comment section to share your own ideas for no-photo scrapbook pages.

Until next time, happy crafting!